Official Synopsis: Lorenzo P. Adams of LPA Films was producing a horror film based around the origin story of the iconic Michael Myers/The Shape character set in Haddonfield, Illinois in 1963. LPA Films needed a film production company to help with 1st AC, gaffer, and overall production assistance.
Type Of Project: Horror film
Director: Lorenzo P. Adams
Writer: Lorenzo P. Adams
Producers: Fortuna Gebresellassie, Lorenzo P. Adams
Budget: Undisclosed
Shooting Format: Digital, spherical, anamorphic (BTS)
Per Annum Media offered to work on this project, as it both aligned with the type of cinematic solutions we provide and represented the types of film projects we love to work on. The timeline for completion on this was truncated; we only had one day to complete the film after shooting for 3 days prior as access to the location was limited.
Working together with the existing production team, we helped facilitate cinematic solutions that fit the client’s desired look and feel for the film in terms of lighting, composition, and overall mood. These solutions were implemented with help of the existing production team, and Per Annum Media was also able to shoot, edit, and release behind the scenes footage all captured on set. BTS was done internally by Afotey Annum for Per Annum Media with additional cinematography by Hitesh Kamra and Soleil Roberts, 2nd AC and Production Assistants on the film respectively.
Lasting Impact: LPA Films was able to release the film on time and up to their standards for delivery, resulting in a cohesive, high quality cinematic package. Additionally, the behind the scenes footage exceeded expectations and led to further collaboration on future projects.
The finished projects are below.